Before & After

Screened Porch in West Friendship, MD

Our return customer wanted to spend more time outside without the weather interfering with their relaxation. A Screened in Porch was added to the home for both keeping the patio on the Main Floor and creating a comfortable Second Level. 


The Screened in Porch offers the ability to furnish the space without worry of rain. To keep the atmosphere still outdoorsy, two Sky Lights were put into the design of the roof. The siding also matches the original home forming a seamless look. An Outer Deck was also added to the side of the Screened in Porch for easy accessibility to the Backyard. 


The overall final result was a nice comfortable space. The space offers the flexibility for relaxing in an open concept for an outdoor attachment.  By adding a second story Screened in Porch allowed the Addition of a Deck and access to the back yard and give the Patio shade - great for gatherings! 

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